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For Women, Not the System: Become a Doula Who Honors Women, Not a Compliant Bystander

Get the Confidence to Attend Births, Attract Clients You Love, and Make a Living While Experiencing the Magic of Birth!

Weekend doula trainings barely scratch the surface when it comes to truly supporting women through their birth journey. They focus on basic coping techniques, interventions, and birth plans—leaving out the deeper, ancient wisdom you need to help a woman connect to her own inner power.

If you’re considering one of those “big-box,” assembly-line doula programs, just be aware that you will like be trained to fit neatly into a medical system that strips women of their power and treats birth like a crisis waiting to happen.

But if you want to break free from that narrative and be a doula who empowers women to reclaim birth as a sacred experience, the Sacred Sisterhood Doula Training is a fantastic next step. Join us and learn how to truly transform the lives of the women you serve. Enrollment is open.

Meet Your guides

Maryn and Margo

We’re mamas and birth workers who chose to rewrite the rules of birth—and we’re inviting you to join us on this journey. We’re kind, fun, and not afraid to lovingly call people into integrity and their own power when they stray off course. With 12 children and 33+ years of combined birth work experience, we’ve seen it all, and the Sacred Sisterhood Doula Training is where we share it all with you.

This course goes beyond the basics and takes a truly holistic approach to being a doula, weaving together the body, mind, and spirit. You’ll dive deep into traditional birth and midwifery wisdom, blended with real-world clinical experience and our powerful, proprietary Indie Birth material. Along the way, you’ll experience profound inner growth while gaining the confidence and skills to support women in ways few doulas ever do.

A Way of Supporting Women in Their Power That You Will Find Nowhere Else

“I have a community of mothers very close to me (7 sisters to be exact!) and believe me, I have been spreading the news!  There is so much information packed into this course. It was life-changing for me, and hopefully will be for my clients.  I had been following Indie Birth podcasts and articles for a little while, and I thought I knew a lot about birth, pregnancy, and postpartum. Boy was I wrong! There is so much information in this course, it made me realize you never can know it all–but here’s an amazing start to the lifelong journey of learning about birth!  From dietary changes for a better postpartum, to vaginal steaming, to truly understanding that you have options, and no one is in charge of your pregnancy but you–this course covers so much ground, I can’t wait to go out and change the birth world, one client at a time.  All women deserve the support an Indie Birth-trained doula can offer. All women deserve this knowledge. Thank you, Indie Birth!”


“I started this course with hopes to satiate my cravings for a deep dive into all things birth, and happy to say my desires have been met (and then some). There is no surface level content; the course takes twists, turns, detours and deep dives, all with the purpose of increasing your knowledge of all things birth to a meaningful level, whilst constantly encouraging you to be thinking critically about your own stance and values.”


“I was guided to learn all about true physiological birth in a way that let me explore and reflect on my own thoughts, feelings, and preconceptions. It was life changing! The reading material and course content was designed in such a comprehensive and manageable manner, I oftentimes found myself not wanting articles, podcasts, and books to end. The connections and support that the INDIE BIRTH community fosters has been really special. It’s incredible to feel the energy from fellow birth workers and to know that we are all in this together, working to create a paradigm shift! I will forever treasure my time learning with Maryn, Margo, and all of the incredible hosts, and feature guests along the way. I am so grateful for this holistic, honest, and sacred capsule of birth wisdom.”


this we believe:

Mothers Know How to Give Birth, Babies Know How to Be Born...

Birth is a sacred rite of passage—an initiation into the Divine Feminine that has been hijacked by a system that is built on the story of separation – separation from self, each other, and the sacred.

Doula trainings that prepare you to be a “good girl” and serve as a compliant cog in the hospital create doulas who separate women from their power.

Doula trainings that offer little to no help in dealing with your own inner emotional landscape, or birth trauma, set you up to project these unresolved issues into the birth space.

As a doula, you can either choose to help perpetuate the problem or you can choose to play an active role in the solution. You can support the system or you can support women. You can’t do both.  

The Sacred Sisterhood Doula Training is an extensive educational journey through the wide range of skills and abilities you need to fully support women in their power.

The sacred sisterhood Curriculum

What You'll Learn in the Sacred Sisterhood Doula Training

 The Sacred Sisterhood Doula Training is a comprehensive, four-month program that dives deep into the four core areas of doula work listed below. The moment you enroll, you’ll get instant access to all the online coursework, which you can move through at your own pace. Plus, you’ll join LIVE coaching calls with Maryn, Margo, and other expert birth workers.

From the most practical skills to the profound wisdom needed to truly support women, this course covers it all.

With lifetime access, you’ll have the freedom to learn at your own pace, revisit key sections, and continue growing in your journey whenever you need.


Becoming a Sacred Sisterhood Doula From the Inside Out

You can’t help women reclaim their power if you haven’t claimed your own. That’s why, in the Sacred Sisterhood Doula Training, we guide you through a profound exploration of your inner world. You’ll confront and process your own fears, blocks, and energetic obstacles—those things that hold you back from fully “showing up” for the women you’re meant to serve.


Developing the Power to Attract Clients You Want to Work With

So many doulas suffer because they don’t hold deeply the understanding about how valuable what they do can be. Doulas are not order takers, they play an active, co-creative role in helping a woman navigate the birthing process. This section involves transferring the knowledge and ability to be a powerful authority in the birthing space and have the confidence and belief you need to truly serve.


Understand Physiological Birth Better Than Many Midwives!

You can’t serve women in birth if you don’t have a deep understanding of physiological birth. In this section, you’ll receive knowledge that some midwives do not even know (and definitely not OB’s) about how the birth process happens, the intricate web of divine timing that interventions can disrupt and all about the signs and stages of labor from the perspective of the wise woman.


Secrets of the Sacred Sisterhood

Helping women claim their power in birth requires a level of understanding and ability that is not common in the doula world. IN addition to the core curriculum, you’ll receive hours of additional instruction about a long list of topics related to supporting women in birth.

Read More Comments From the Sisterhood...

“By taking this course I have changed personally for the better. I have been able to view birth in such a different and more powerful way. With this course I have gained a immense amount of confidence in myself and the work that I offer to women. The doula program has helped me attract more clients as a result. They have helped me do this by equipping me with the business knowledge I need! I feel prepared and confident in having conversations with my clients about money. I’m also confident in myself and what I have to offer. I have learned so much from this program and feel like they have given me the tools to be a successful doula. This training is so much more extensive than any other doula course I looked at. Each aspect of the course touches on valuable knowledge to help me be a better doula. This course was the first one I had heard of that actually teaches you the business aspect of being a doula and I love that!! I am thankful for what I am learning…”


“I had my eye on Indie Birth but had already committed to another doula program. The other course was monotonous and it felt like a huge disservice to myself to not to be learning from the women who inspired me so much. I made the switch to Indie Birth and it was like things in my life started to finally click into place. I worked through a lot of underlying birth trauma and broke down a lot of societal conditioning and just like that, I began being invited into these sacred birth spaces. I was connected with many amazing women in my community who also learned from Indie Birth or aspired to. Now I am sought out as a doula by autonomous and aligned women. I will always recommend Indie Birth’s Doula Training over any other, for its ability to break the mold and stand radically in our autonomy and the wonderful community I have built from it. Much love to my Indie Birth sisters & Maryn, Margo, and the other wise women who I had the honor to learn from.”


“After supporting a good friend and her family during her pregnancy and autonomous home birth of her son I knew in my heart I was being led to support women in birth. I waffled back and forth on signing up for a doula course through well known organizations. Thank you for this course, it is literally the answer to my prayers…”


What you get with traditional doula trainings:

What you get inside the Sacred Sisterhood:

A Sisterhood Built on the Shared Vision of the Power of Women


If you're coming just to make money, this is not the place for you.

But if you want to make a great living serving women, we will show you how to make that happen.

Supporting women in birth is a tremendous value you can provide to the world. 

How to structure your work so that it returns to you the material success you are looking for can be challenging. 

This process leads you right into facing self-worth issues, how best to charge for what you do and a long list of other more practical considerations for how to get rewarded for the value you provide to mothers. 

As a member of the Sacred Sisterhood Doula Training, you’ll receive detailed training in how to set things up to make a great living doing what you love

You’ll have a deep understanding of yourself, of women, of the birth process AND how to transform this work into something that can sustain your life and create abundance for you and your family. 


While the Sacred Sisterhood is About Your Transformation, You Will Never Be Alone

LIVE coaching calls

You’ll be in regular communication with Maryn, Margo, alumni mentors and fellow students a few times a month.

Personal FeedBack

Submit your course assignments for individualized feedback and ultimately a certificate of completion.

Workbooks, videos, client worksheets and more

The four month curriculum is full of resources to support and enrich your journey towards becoming a doula who can truly support women in birth.

Enroll In the Sacred Sisterhood Doula Training and Begin Your Journey Today

Explore the enrollment options available and choose the one that’s right for you. Once you’ve completed your enrollment, you’ll gain immediate access to the training materials and receive all the details you need to join the next LIVE coaching call.

Six monthly payments of


Three monthly


One payment of


Frequently Asked Questions

We do not offer certifications because we do not believe in certifications. We are focused on supporting women in birth in a way few are trained to do. That is our mark of success, not the opinion of an outside authority.

You will attract clients, not chase them. This work is some of the most valuable forms of service in birth. Most doulas don’t act like that, because they are conditioned NOT to believe it. As a member of the Sacred Sisterhood Doula Training, you will receive extensive help in making this work materially rewarding to you and your family. You will provide a level of value that is not currently available to women. And you will be rewarded for that. In fact, you should expect that clients will seek you! For most doulas, what they discover inside the Sisterhood will probably mean making far more with much less effort.

Yes. It is a very comprehensive course. You can work through it at your own pace.

The coaching calls are for YOUR benefit. So your full participation is what we want. Bring your fears, challenges, dreams and questions and we will help you move through them to the next step on your journey. You get lifetime access to come to the coaching calls, plus they are all recorded.  This means you can come and still learn or share as a practicing doula.

We only want to work with members who want to be there. If you enroll in the course and find it is not for you, we will be happy to refund your enrollment within the first 24 hours. Over the past few years, we have only had to do this ONCE.

NOT. EVEN. CLOSE. If you want to be a “compliant clog” in the medical hospital system that separates women from their power, then you have a lot of doula trainings to choose from. If you’re ready to step out of that control structure and help women reclaim their power, that’s what the Sisterhood will uniquely prepare you to do.

We’re not in the convincing business, but if you’re not sure if the full training is right for you, then get started with our free Sacred Sisterhood mini-course and completely transform your idea of what it means to be a doula.